What is an Ingress Anomaly? It is an official cross faction event hosted by Niantic where each faction battles for several hours in specific play areas in the host city. The outcome of the Anomaly series can influnce the events of the story line of Ingress. San Diego will be the final Anomaly of the upcoming series which means that it can all come down to this event. Learn more
Want to sign up for local or remote support? Register Here. This will register you with the local Resistance team. Make sure to include any non-ingress related skills that may be useful for the event in your registration.
Register with NIA to get your Badge! Official Registration.
SWAG! - SWAG that is unique to both the event and to the city of San Diego. Support our local efforts while getting some awesome swag. Visit out SWAG Store.
Want to Donate? GoFundMe - Anomaly events cost the local community a lot of money. Events, permits, key farming mission, and fielding teams all require funding. Every dollar helps in these endeavors. If you would like to help out financially then please visit our GoFundMe.